Booking Process: I utilize a top-of-the-line pet industry booking software that streamlines the process. When booking, you’ll be prompted to provide essential information, including details about your dog and a copy of their vaccination records. You can conveniently upload these records through your vet’s portal or by photographing them. Please note that a picture of your dog’s rabies tag is not considered proof of vaccination.

As per the City of Corpus Christi’s requirements, we must verify rabies vaccination records. Additionally, our system will request your credit card information. Rest assured, your card details are secure, and I cannot access them. Once you’ve booked your appointment, you’ll receive automated confirmation messages. After I’ve reviewed and approved your booking, I’ll reach out via text from the provided number—our primary communication channel.

For payment, I offer a touchless experience. If paying by card, I’ll send you the invoice 5-10 minutes before completing the service. Alternatively, cash payments are also accepted. Thank you for choosing my professional and convenient grooming service!

Due to Scheduling, I require all clients to be on a 4- or 6-week reoccurring schedule.

You can fill out my Intake Form and I will book your appointment if online booking isn't for you.


Ideal For Lower Maintenance Dogs Who Require NO Haircut or In-Between Haircuts. 

0-10lbs | $75+

11-20lbs| $85+

21-30lbs | $95+

31-40lbs | $105+

41-50lbs | $115+

**Prices will vary based several factors such as distance and current condition of coat.



Ideal For Maintenance on Both Long and Short Haired Dogs Just Needing That Extra Touch. 

0-10lbs | $85+

11-20lbs| $95+

21-30lbs | $105+

31-40lbs | $115+

41-50lbs | $125+

**Prices will vary based several factors such as distance and current condition of coat.




Ideal For Higher Maintenance Dogs Who Require Full Body Haircut.

0-10lbs | $100+

11-20lbs| $115+

21-30lbs | $125+


**Prices will vary based several factors such as distance and current condition of coat and desired haircut.


Nail Trim & Grind Only


Ideal for all dogs, keeping up on nail trims are very important for the health of your pet. I will come to you and trim your pet's nails and grind them smooth in my trailer, providing a calm and peaceful environment. If needed I do have a hammock to help alleviate any stress, or pain off joints for small dogs. 

This is only available when I'm servicing clients in your area, you can find out days I'm in your area on Facebook, or by filling out a intake form and I'll let you know when I'll be in your area! 

All nail trim and grind customers need to fill out an intake form.


Green Clay Mask - $25 

Clay mud mask supplies essential minerals that detoxify the skin by exchanging themselves for undesirable smells, impurities, and toxins that create problem skin with vital minerals and hydrating omega oils. Skin shed tens of thousands of dead cells a minute. Dead cells trap dirt, sebum, & impurities that encourage bacteria and dermatitis conditions. This can be followed up with an Antibacterial/Antifungal shampoo if needed. Or a moisturizing shampoo if no skin issues are present 

Shed-Less System - $15

Ideal For Dogs Who Require Extra Attention with Shedding. Your dog will be bathed in special shampoo and conditioner to help release as much undercoat as possible. Then they will be brushed out fully, no damaging *furminator brush will be used. I cannot guarantee you will not still see some hair shedding. This takes about 2 visits every 4 weeks to see a difference. A dog's coat cycle is about every 4 weeks. And some seasons may be better than others with controlling it. 

Poodle Feet - $20

This is for poodles who want that more traditional look with shaved feet. It takes longer to safely shave the feet and between toes for that desired look. 

Matted Coat Fee - $25

We always believe in comfort over vanity. There are times where dematting isn’t the best option for the safety and comfort of your dog. Dematting of severely matted dogs is inhumane and not a service that we will offer. If it can't be humanely saved, it should be removed. Excessive matting takes time and skill to remove, you will pay more for removing matting. 


I only use high quality products. I believe in using only products that will contribute to healthy skin and coat. I have shampoos and conditioners for puppies, adult dogs, dandruff treatment, anti-flea treatment, coat whitening treatment, clay/mud masks for hydration, and special shampoos for dogs with sensitive skin. Hypo products for dogs or owners with fragrance issues. I will evaluate your pup's needs at each appointment.